
Liquid - Nerub-ar Palace

2024-10-16 / 0 评论 / 0 点赞 / 17 阅读
The LiquidUpdater and LiquidReminders addons are now available on Patreon. Watch this video or join the Discord for a showcase of how they work! LiquidUpdater is a tool that simplifies the process of updating your Liquid WeakAuras. It also shows you if anyone in your raid is using outdated versions. LiquidReminders is a tool used to easily set reminders for yourself that show up during encounters. It shows you a timeline of the whole fight that you can double-click anywhere to create a reminder! Important notes • Required: LiquidAnchors & LiquidWeakAuras. Delete any old version of LiquidWeakAuras you may have. • Some auras are set to not load by default. This applies mostly to lists, healer frame glows, and some miscellaneous auras. If you wish to see these, go into their load tab and uncheck "never". • LiquidMedia and Pescorus addons are not required for this pack to work, and won't be made public. They merely add some sound files, and the auras will fall back to game TTS if these are unavailable. • Both BigWigs and DBM are supported. Sikran: Phase Blades bleed removal assignments This aura assigns Evokers a specific Phase Blade target to bleed dispel with Cauterizing Flame. It both shows their name in your screen, and glows their frame red. The assignments only happen for the *second* set of Phase Blades, since that one is the most dangerous. Broodtwister Ovi'nax: Experimental Dosage assignments Assigns you to break an egg on any of {star}{circle}{diamond}{triangle}. By default it sorts players melee-ranged-healers from {star} to {triangle}. You can hard assign a maximum of two players per marker through MRT note. The below note assigns Naempal to {diamond}, and Naemdh and Naemlock to {triangle}.
liquidStart {diamond} Naempala {triangle} Naemdh Naemlock liquidEnd
Broodtwister Ovi'nax: Sticky Web macro Healers are each assigned to dispel a specific player affected by Sticky Web. Their frame is glowed red initially, and turns green after they press the below macro. /run WeakAuras.ScanEvents("LIQUID_PRIVATE_AURA_MACRO", true) Broodtwister Ovi'nax: Voracious Worm auto-marker This aura automatically marks Voracious Worms (to assist with interrupts). By default it marks them exactly like Liquid did on their prog kill. If you use a different set of marks (or route) you can configure it in MRT note.
liquidStart2 0 5 0 6 7 5 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 5 0 6 7 6 5 0 0 0 0 0 7 5 0 6 6 5 0 0 0 6 7 5 liquidEnd2
Each line represents a set of eggs. The first number is the **target marker** that the worm on **world marker** {star} receives. The second number is the target marker that the worm on world marker {circle} receives, etc. In the above note, for the first set of worms, the worm on world marker {circle} receives {moon}. The worm on world marker {triangle} receives {square}. Everyone in your raid needs to have assist for this aura to function. It will remind you of this before the pull. Nexus-Princess Ky'veza: Queensbane go far The Queensbane debuffs expire with a small interval between them. This aura tells the two players with the last Queensbanes to expire to go far on the first set. The reason for this is that the first set coincides with the rifts, and pull the players inwards. The last two Queensbanes would expire too close to the raid if they stand close. Silken Court: Stinging Swarm dispel number This aura shows how many players are assigned to be dispelled with Stinging Swarm before you. When it hits 1, that means it's your turn to stand under the boss and get dispelled. The order that it assigns you to be dispelled in is: blue melee > blue ranged > red melee > red ranged Players that receive the debuff after the initial ones go out (e.g. because someone died with the debuff) are always put last in the queue. The dispel numbers are shown on frames by the aura called "Stinging Swarm dispel numbers on frames". You need to have Stinging Swarm (list) enabled for the rest of the auras to function. Queen Ansurek: Reactive Froth assignments This aura tells you where to *drop* Reactive Froth when you're targeted by it, and reminds you which one to soak/pop. There are two different MRT notes for this aura. The first note determines where you drop Reactive Froth, and where you soak it. In the note below, Yipz is assigned to drop his Froth closest to boss when affected. Malarkus is assigned to drop his farthest away. The aura splits the names on the note equally in order of appearance for soaking.
liquidStart Yipz Atlas Lip Impec Imexile Shak Riku Boomie Daizr Scott Driney Xesevi Nick Goop Sang Cere Drenaco Imfiredup Thd Malarkus liquidEnd
The second MRT note determines who pops each Froth during Venom Nova. Each line represents a set of Froths. The first name pops {star}, second name pops {circle}, third name pops {diamond}, and fourth name pops {triangle}.
liquidStart2 Shak Goop Impec Xesevi Sang Exile Boomie Nick Malarkus liquidEnd2
Queen Ansurek: Shadowgate assignments This aura assigns players to go through the Shadowgates in phase 2. The note lists two lines of players, each for one side. The first available player from each line is picked to soak the next set of portals.
liquidStart3 <order of players to go through portals on side 1> <order of players to go through portals on side 2> liquidEnd3
Queen Ansurek: Acolyte's Essence assignmentsp This aura assigns players to pick up Acolyte's Essences a few seconds before the ring happens in P3. It follows a couple of rules: • Both tanks are assigned to pick up an essence on every set. • It picks the first available players as listed on the first line of the note (see below). • If any of the players assigned by the note are dead, it will pick backups from the second line of the note first. If no backups are avaialble, it just picks the next available name from line 1.
liquidStart4 <players in the order that you want them to carry orbs in (dont list tanks)> <backups in case someone in the first line is dead> liquidEnd4
Queen Ansurek: Royal Condemnation assignments This aura assigns where you stand with Royal Condemnation in phase 3. It's supported by the aura called "Royal Condemnation position assignments" inside the position assignments group. On the first set of Royal Condemnations, it tells you to go to {circle}. On the second set of Royal Condemnations, it tells you to gate -> spread. On the third set of Royal Condemnations, it tells you to go to {diamond}. Abyssal Infusion assignments This aura assigns you to drop the portal in phase 3 in melee or ranged. It functions differently based on who is picked: • If a melee and a ranged player are picked, it tells the melee player to drop in melee, and the ranged player to drop in ranged. • If two ranged players are picked, it tells the most mobile ranged to drop in melee. • If two melee players are picked, it tells the most mobile melee to drop in ranged.

自动更新于:2024-10-16 17:41:20
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