
Braddo - Death Knight Class Weak Aura - TWW (Blood, Unholy & Frost)

2024-07-27 / 0 评论 / 0 点赞 / 145 阅读
Braddo - Death Knight Class Weak Aura - 10.2.7 This Weak Aura(up to date 10.2.7) includes everything Death Knight related for all specs created by Braddo and uploaded by Slurms. If you notice anything missing or have any ideas you’d like to see added dm me on discord by clicking my name >@ slurmsmackenzie92 If you’d like to donate for our hard work click here <3 ALL CLASSES AND SPECS ARE BEING UPDATED FOR TWW SOON
Braddo - Death Knight Class Weak Aura - 10.2.7 This Weak Aura(up to date 10.2.7) includes everything Death Knight related for all specs created by Braddo and uploaded by Slurms. If you notice anything missing or have any ideas you’d like to see added dm me on discord by clicking my name >@ slurmsmackenzie92 If you’d like to donate for our hard work click here <3 ALL CLASSES AND SPECS ARE BEING UPDATED FOR TWW SOON

自动创建于:2024-08-01 13:55:49
