
Spiritwalker's Grace

2024-07-28 / 0 评论 / 0 点赞 / 12 阅读
Introduction This aura shows the duration of Spiritwalker's Grace and alerts you when the buff is close to expire. Description This aura is meant to help you decide if you need to stop moving while you are channeling an important Spell and Spiritwalker's Grace is active. When at or below 7 seconds of duration remaining, glows and plays a sound. If you don't like the sound, go in Conditions, open Condition 1, click on Sound, and change/remove it.
Introduction This aura shows the duration of Spiritwalker's Grace and alerts you when the buff is close to expire. Description This aura is meant to help you decide if you need to stop moving while you are channeling an important Spell and Spiritwalker's Grace is active. When at or below 7 seconds of duration remaining, glows and plays a sound. If you don't like the sound, go in Conditions, open Condition 1, click on Sound, and change/remove it.

自动创建于:2024-11-01 09:43:09
