
Feral Druid Rotation Helper

2024-09-02 / 0 评论 / 0 点赞 / 15 阅读
Highlights the next ability to cast in the feral druid rotation. All other 'less optimal' abilities are faded out. Takes into account tier-31 4-set bonus (feral frenzy buffs). The rotation adapts based on the talents you have selected. For example, if you have bloodtalons, it will automatically recommend filler moves to keep bloodtalons up. (borrowed code from the Bloodtalons Tracker from Fore’s pack) Includes code borrowed from Feral Bleed Power by Oi, which shows whether a rake/rip/thrash or moonfire can be upgraded with a better snapshot. This happens automatically, just follow the recommended rotation! :) Automatically detects when 2 mobs are within range and swaps to an AoE rotation. The rotation is based off the guide from the dreamgrove's feral druid compendium, with some tweaks to make it more forgiving for mistakes. Designed to be used in conjunction with my 'SharedElements' weakaura, which contains spells and abilities used by all classes, such as trinkets, racials, health/mana bars, cast bars, etc. Link: https://wago.io/pcCih0yG9 Defensive abilities (such as barkskin, survival instincts) and utility abilities (such as dash, rebirth, innervate) are not included in the rotation code, and instead will simply be displayed when available to be cast, as the best time to use them is really for you to decide! Any feedback is welcome, please let me know if there's something that can be done to make this better! Cheers,
Highlights the next ability to cast in the feral druid rotation. All other 'less optimal' abilities are faded out. Takes into account tier-31 4-set bonus (feral frenzy buffs). The rotation adapts based on the talents you have selected. For example, if you have bloodtalons, it will automatically recommend filler moves to keep bloodtalons up. (borrowed code from the Bloodtalons Tracker from Fore’s pack) Includes code borrowed from Feral Bleed Power by Oi, which shows whether a rake/rip/thrash or moonfire can be upgraded with a better snapshot. This happens automatically, just follow the recommended rotation! :) Automatically detects when 2 mobs are within range and swaps to an AoE rotation. The rotation is based off the guide from the dreamgrove's feral druid compendium, with some tweaks to make it more forgiving for mistakes. Designed to be used in conjunction with my 'SharedElements' weakaura, which contains spells and abilities used by all classes, such as trinkets, racials, health/mana bars, cast bars, etc. Link: https://wago.io/pcCih0yG9 Defensive abilities (such as barkskin, survival instincts) and utility abilities (such as dash, rebirth, innervate) are not included in the rotation code, and instead will simply be displayed when available to be cast, as the best time to use them is really for you to decide! Any feedback is welcome, please let me know if there's something that can be done to make this better! Cheers,

自动创建于:2024-11-04 09:43:07
