
Spell wheel - Monk

2024-10-15 / 0 评论 / 0 点赞 / 43 阅读

A minimalistic UI showing buffs and spells.

The War Within - Spell Wheel

What it shows:

All classes

  • Player health bar
  • Pets
    • Pet health bar
    • Missing pet warning (pet classes only)
  • Warnings
    • Low health
    • Low mana
  • Debuffs
    • Debuffs on self
    • Debuffs on other tank (only if in tank role)
    • Debuffs on group attached to party frames
  • Usable items
    • Trinkets with a use effect
    • Weapons with a use effect
  • Spell wheel backgrounds left and right as anchors for class specific auras.

The Monk class

Icons and icon groups

  • Movement spells and durations
  • Touch of Death
  • Monk buffs
    • Vivacious Vivification
    • Detox
    • Renewing Mist count (MW only)

Spells left

  • Outer circle
    • top left: Dampen Harm
    • top right: Diffuse Magic
    • bottom left: Fortifying Brew

Bars left

  • Paralysis
  • Song of Chi-Ji
  • Ring of Peace
  • Leg Sweep


Spells right

  • Outer circle
    • top left: Energy for one Tiger Palm (55/60)
    • top right: Energy above one Tiger Palm
    • bottom left: Whirling Dragon Punch
    • bottom right: Strike of the Windlord
  • Inner circle
    • top left: Storm, Earth, and Fire Charge 1 (red if active)
    • top right: Storm, Earth, and Fire Charge 2
    • bottom left: Fists of Fury
    • bottom right: Rising Sun Kick
  • Center
    • Number: Chi resource count
    • Circle: Jadefire Stomp
  • Buffs and procs
    • Blue buff line: Fae exposure
    • Green dot top right: Dance of Chi-Ji active
    • Purple dot bottom right: Blackout Kick!

Bars right

  • Celestial Conduit
  • Touch of Carma
  • Invoke Xuen


Spells left

  • Stagger bar attached to health bar

  • Outer circle

    • top left: Dampen Harm
    • top right: Diffuse Magic
    • bottom left: Fortifying Brew
    • bottom right: Zen meditation
  • Inner circle

    • top left: Stagger 0-50%
    • top right: Stagger above 50%
    • bottom left: Purifying Brew Charge 1
    • bottom right: Purifying Brew Charge 2
  • Center

    • Number: Purified Chi buff stacks
    • Circle: Purified Chi buff

Spells right

  • Outer circle
    • top left: Energy for one Keg Smash
    • top right: Energy above one Keg Smash
    • bottom left: Rising Sun Kick
    • bottom right: Chi Burst
  • Inner circle
    • top left: Keg Smash Charge 1
    • top right: Keg Smash Charge 2
    • bottom left: Blackout Kick
    • bottom right: Breath of Fire
  • Center
    • Number: Press the advantage stacks
    • Circle:
  • Buffs and procs
    • Red buff line: Charred Passions (notification text if missing)
  • Left of the wheel
    • Exclamation Mark: Shuffle buff duration is low
    • Dots: Expel Harm charges
    • Bar: Expel Harm cooldown

Bars right

  • Celestial Brew
    • One bar for Shado-Pan
    • Two bars for Masters of Harmony
  • Exploding Keg
  • Weapons of Order
  • Invoke Niuzao


Spells right

  • Outer circle
    • top left: Mana 0-50%
    • top right: Mana 50-100%
    • bottom left: Chi Harmony (8 second countdown after RM cast)
    • bottom right: Chi Burst
  • Inner circle
    • top left: Renewing Mist Charge 1
    • top right: Renewing Mist Charge 2 + 3
    • bottom left: Thunder Focus Tea (different colors for 2 charges)
    • bottom right: Rising Sun Kick
  • Center
    • Number: Teachings of the Monastery stacks
    • Circle: Jadefire Stomp cooldown
  • Buffs and procs
    • Green dot top right: Dance of Chi-Ji
    • Yellow dot bottom right: Strength of the Black Ox
    • Bar right of the wheel: Mana Tea
    • Bar left of the wheel: Ancient Teachings buff
    • Exclamation mark: Ancient Teachings buff duration below 5 seconds (yellow) or gone (red)
    • Sheilun's Gift charges
    • Cooldown durations
    • Shaohao's lessions
      • Buff duration
      • Preview
  • Left of the wheel
    • Exclamation Mark: Shuffle buff duration is low
    • Dots: Expel Harm charges
    • Bar: Expel Harm cooldown

Bars right

  • Celestial Conduit
  • Invoke Yu'lon
  • Invoke Chi-Ji
  • Life Cocoon
  • Revival

自动更新于:2024-10-15 01:41:37
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