
Prescience Shit

2024-10-25 / 0 评论 / 0 点赞 / 18 阅读
Adds Raidframe glow for: - Best Prescience Target (highest current target in Details that is alive, doesn't already have the buff and if ebon might is active only targets ebon might players) - Ebon Might Players Shows Current Charges of Prescience and a sound as soon as it is ready + shows if the next Prescience will be extended by the 10.2 Tierset Also Shows bars for Prescience and Ebon Might Buffs
Adds Raidframe glow for: - Best Prescience Target (highest current target in Details that is alive, doesn't already have the buff and if ebon might is active only targets ebon might players) - Ebon Might Players Shows Current Charges of Prescience and a sound as soon as it is ready + shows if the next Prescience will be extended by the 10.2 Tierset Also Shows bars for Prescience and Ebon Might Buffs

自动创建于:2024-10-25 13:41:19
