
Ignore Pain Tracker

2024-09-04 / 0 评论 / 0 点赞 / 160 阅读

This is the fixed version of Genshii's tracker that is working in The War Within.

This WeakAura displays your current Ignore Pain absorb amount (and more via the available options), and also lets you know if you are going to cap your Ignore Pain by casting it.

The color of the text for the remaining absorb amount will change depending on if the next cast of Ignore Pain will provide full absorb, partial absorb, or no absorb.

White: Your next Ignore Pain cast will grant its full absorb amount.
Yellow: Your next Ignore Pain cast will grant a portion of its absorb amount.
Red: Your next Ignore Pain cast will cause you to gain no absorb amount.

Additionally, this WeakAura is "smart" about how it determines whether or not an Ignore Pain cast should be considered a full cast. By default, an Ignore Pain cast that will grant 80% of its absorb or more is considered a full cast. Inversely, an Ignore Pain cast that will grant less than 20% of its absorb is considered a capped (red) cast. This threshold percentage is adjustable in Custom Options.

自动更新于:2024-09-04 01:40:53
