This aura set is meant to give you as much information as you need, without an overload of glow recommendations.
Here is a list of things that might not be clear from watching the GIF a few times.
- The light blue bar below the Rage bar indicates how many stacks of Whirlwind are active. It turns purple at 1 stack remaining.
- The orange line on the Rage bar is an indicator for how much a Rampage will cost.
- Rage bar colors are: dark red, up until 80 range. Orange for 80 -> Max Rage. Yellow for max rage. (Can be changed in conditions)
- The blue bar above rampage glows when you are not enraged.
- The thin purple bar below the Rage bar warns you if the GCD isn't being used.
自动更新于:2024-09-17 01:41:30