
Jaywi - Paladin - TWW

2024-12-28 / 0 评论 / 0 点赞 / 33 阅读
The main WeakAura for Paladin is suitable for playing in any specialization and includes the following elements:
  • Main Bar: Separate for each specialization, showcasing the Paladin's primary abilities.
  • Aura Bar: Positioned above the Main Bar, it tracks essential buffs.
  • Resource Bar: Displays resources for better management.
  • Auxiliary Bar: Located at the bottom, featuring additional utility abilities.
  • Flashing Reminders & QoL Features: Includes helpful notifications and quality-of-life enhancements.
The custom code is moderated by GPT to identify flaws and improve performance. It avoids FPS-consuming models and LUA error-prone code. Clean Icons Some design elements were inspired by other auras from open profiles shared by other users on Wago website. This WeakAura was created and is maintained by me for my personal convenience and use.
Discord Follow the link to access other elements of my UI.
The main WeakAura for Paladin is suitable for playing in any specialization and includes the following elements:
  • Main Bar: Separate for each specialization, showcasing the Paladin's primary abilities.
  • Aura Bar: Positioned above the Main Bar, it tracks essential buffs.
  • Resource Bar: Displays resources for better management.
  • Auxiliary Bar: Located at the bottom, featuring additional utility abilities.
  • Flashing Reminders & QoL Features: Includes helpful notifications and quality-of-life enhancements.
The custom code is moderated by GPT to identify flaws and improve performance. It avoids FPS-consuming models and LUA error-prone code. Clean Icons Some design elements were inspired by other auras from open profiles shared by other users on Wago website. This WeakAura was created and is maintained by me for my personal convenience and use.
Discord Follow the link to access other elements of my UI.

自动创建于:2024-12-28 01:41:34
