
auto keylink v3.0.3 Mythic+ (!keys, TWW M+, !ключей)

2024-11-04 / 0 评论 / 0 点赞 / 11 阅读
- Post your Mythic Keystone in the Group etc. - Post warmode Status. - Post your Key by looting. - Announce you by enter a Instance if you have a Key for this Instance. - Options Menu(You can change all Options). Commands: !keys !ключей /mykey !keyswm !wm !keysvers ---- Q and A ---- - You have a Problem with this weakaura? Delete the weakaura and paste the new weakaura from wago. Better you delete the weakaura at new versions and don't Update the weakaura. - You have still a Problem? Write a comment or contact me over bnet trainmen#2416. - You want to change Options? 1. Type in Chat "/wa" 2. Click on "auto keylink v..." 3. Click on "Custom Options" 4. Here you can change all things - You need to write the command in exact case? No, you can write all commands as you like: !Keys, !keys, !KeYs ect. - You need more features? Write a comment
- Post your Mythic Keystone in the Group etc. - Post warmode Status. - Post your Key by looting. - Announce you by enter a Instance if you have a Key for this Instance. - Options Menu(You can change all Options). Commands: !keys !ключей /mykey !keyswm !wm !keysvers ---- Q and A ---- - You have a Problem with this weakaura? Delete the weakaura and paste the new weakaura from wago. Better you delete the weakaura at new versions and don't Update the weakaura. - You have still a Problem? Write a comment or contact me over bnet trainmen#2416. - You want to change Options? 1. Type in Chat "/wa" 2. Click on "auto keylink v..." 3. Click on "Custom Options" 4. Here you can change all things - You need to write the command in exact case? No, you can write all commands as you like: !Keys, !keys, !KeYs ect. - You need more features? Write a comment

自动创建于:2024-11-26 09:41:35
