
Sun King's Blessing Bar

2024-07-28 / 0 评论 / 0 点赞 / 18 阅读
Simple bar tracker for Sun Kings Blessing/Sun King buff. Based on this weakaura, couldn't find it so I made my own https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixrPk6Y1pJw - Bars change colour when you reach 8 stacks. - When the timer for the buff is below 3.5 sec, the bars change to grey (as its too late to start casting pyroblast). - By default I have my UI hidden while in a rested area and not in combat.
Simple bar tracker for Sun Kings Blessing/Sun King buff. Based on this weakaura, couldn't find it so I made my own https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixrPk6Y1pJw - Bars change colour when you reach 8 stacks. - When the timer for the buff is below 3.5 sec, the bars change to grey (as its too late to start casting pyroblast). - By default I have my UI hidden while in a rested area and not in combat.

自动创建于:2024-07-28 12:09:29
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