
Nether Precision Tracker & Barrage Helper (SpellSlinger)

2024-10-27 / 0 评论 / 0 点赞 / 31 阅读
If Colour is Blue you Arcane Blast. If Colour is Green you Arcane Barrage. If Colour is Yellow you Queue Barrage during your current Arcane Blast. Conditions: The Weakaura will turn Green IF - You have Intuition and Nether Precision You have Intuition and no Clearcasting AND one of the following - Target is < 35% Health - You have < 70% Mana You have 2x Aethervision and Nether Precision You have 2x Aethervision and no Clearcasting AND one of the following - Target is < 35% Health - You have < 70% Mana Your Arcane Tempo has < 1.5 Seconds left. Your Arcane Orb cooldown is up AND none of the following - You no have Clearcasting or Nether Precision The Weakaura will turn Yellow IF - You are casting Arcane Blast AND any of the following - 1x Aethervision AND > 1 Nether Precision Stacks - 1x Aethervision AND < 70% Mana AND NO Clearcasting - 1x Aethervision AND < 35% Health AND NO Clearcasting This is based off Phosphoros Nether Precision Tracker with the added Colour changing depending on if needing to barrage. Notes - - This currently only has single target conditions and I may update it in the future to also support AOE <This is a personal weakaura that I use and this is for archiving but feel free to use>

自动更新于:2024-10-28 01:41:23
