
[Havoc+] (Active) Timer 12 Secs #ImpUi

2024-11-10 / 0 评论 / 0 点赞 / 7 阅读
As Title States, (Custom Havoc Time Left Progress Bar, with Spell Time Removal Shader/Overlay). -Includes: Model with Venthyr Theme, Overlay, Text, Sound Notification (Split), Icon Glow, Border Glow, Custom Functions and Conditions. -Text&Colour Timing: (Green Name + Icon Glow While Active and Above =>6seconds) (Yellow Name + Icon Glow While Active and Below <=6seconds (Red Name + Icon Glow + Border Glow While InActive/About to End <=1sec, then Icon desaturate at <=0.4secs) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On Activation, -Sound (Split) plays then, -Shows the Progress Bar, Sliding Right to Left. *Your Single Target Abilities with a Cast Time show an Overlay(In Yellow) over the Havoc Bar, showing you how much time it REMOVES from the remaining Duration of Havoc while Active, maximizing your cleave output with a helpful, easy to understand slider bar. *Lets you estimate how many abilities you can cram into your havoc on the fly -(Passive) Independent Cry Havoc Icon next to Main Icon, (Shows how much it's hitting for) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All WA's Tested and Working with low load and minimal to no lua errors.
As Title States, (Custom Havoc Time Left Progress Bar, with Spell Time Removal Shader/Overlay). -Includes: Model with Venthyr Theme, Overlay, Text, Sound Notification (Split), Icon Glow, Border Glow, Custom Functions and Conditions. -Text&Colour Timing: (Green Name + Icon Glow While Active and Above =>6seconds) (Yellow Name + Icon Glow While Active and Below <=6seconds (Red Name + Icon Glow + Border Glow While InActive/About to End <=1sec, then Icon desaturate at <=0.4secs) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On Activation, -Sound (Split) plays then, -Shows the Progress Bar, Sliding Right to Left. *Your Single Target Abilities with a Cast Time show an Overlay(In Yellow) over the Havoc Bar, showing you how much time it REMOVES from the remaining Duration of Havoc while Active, maximizing your cleave output with a helpful, easy to understand slider bar. *Lets you estimate how many abilities you can cram into your havoc on the fly -(Passive) Independent Cry Havoc Icon next to Main Icon, (Shows how much it's hitting for) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All WA's Tested and Working with low load and minimal to no lua errors.

自动创建于:2024-11-10 13:41:43
