
Bibli - Elemental Shaman

2024-12-25 / 0 评论 / 0 点赞 / 16 阅读
Here is my Elemental WA that matches my ElvUI. Should be fully working but if you happen to run into some kind of problem contact me on discord. This contains a; Maelstrom bar, Mana Bar, CD's, procs/buffs but also a cast bar and everything else you need! ElvUI - https://wago.io/hTnJQuZ_5 Plater - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jOjej67ezU_4mUoFAQ7DoYwSYkuqY1PcLhgqh1k7_zU/edit?usp=sharing Details - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-kzVfLLctqpZX6Np5pXEpIZZvsWBlqwjgeplcI6CZGE/edit?usp=sharing Fury Warrior - https://wago.io/6a6SVEEvV Retribution Paladin - https://wago.io/25aUgTdzg Affliction Warlock - https://wago.io/G5PP4rvVs Restoration Shaman - https://wago.io/AYlfCA-V7 Discord: This is currently under construction. With questions contact "bibli" on discord.
Here is my Elemental WA that matches my ElvUI. Should be fully working but if you happen to run into some kind of problem contact me on discord. This contains a; Maelstrom bar, Mana Bar, CD's, procs/buffs but also a cast bar and everything else you need! ElvUI - https://wago.io/hTnJQuZ_5 Plater - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jOjej67ezU_4mUoFAQ7DoYwSYkuqY1PcLhgqh1k7_zU/edit?usp=sharing Details - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-kzVfLLctqpZX6Np5pXEpIZZvsWBlqwjgeplcI6CZGE/edit?usp=sharing Fury Warrior - https://wago.io/6a6SVEEvV Retribution Paladin - https://wago.io/25aUgTdzg Affliction Warlock - https://wago.io/G5PP4rvVs Restoration Shaman - https://wago.io/AYlfCA-V7 Discord: This is currently under construction. With questions contact "bibli" on discord.

自动创建于:2024-12-31 06:07:18
