
Prescience Macro Frames v11.2.0

2024-10-09 / 0 评论 / 0 点赞 / 217 阅读


v11.2.0 has just been released to make the macro work well in M+, but requires some changes!!!

Please message @zzzsteve for bugs, complaints, or requests.

You need to run this setup script once so the Weakaura can edit your macros:

/run PMFEM=EditMacro

Besides that, 3 macros are required:
"PMF_MACRO" - this one is managed by the Weakaura itself, you can leave it blank for now.
"PMF_MACRO_RAID" - write player names like (@Rekovery) to pin raid targets
"PMF_MACRO_MPLUS" - write role names (@DPS2) to keybind per role

NOTE: You will only keybind "PMF_MACRO" on your bars. The other ones are shoved into that macro depending on what content you're doing, as long as you're not in combat.

Example "PMF_MACRO":

leave this one blank, the WA manages it for you.


/cast [help] Prescience
/cast [nogroup] Prescience
/cast [@Pacera,nomod] Prescience
/cast [@Niinetails,mod:shift] Prescience
/cast [@Meepeadeep,mod:ctrl] Prescience
/cast [@Rekovery,mod:alt] Prescience

This will let you pin 4 targets and watch your buff uptime on them. Imagining you bound the macro to E, you can press E to cast on Pacera, or Ctrl-E to cast on Meepeadeep.


/cast [@DPS1,nomod] Prescience
/cast [@DPS2,mod:shift] Prescience
/cast [@TANK,mod:ctrl] Prescience
/cast [@HEALER,mod:alt] Prescience

The weakaura will automatically keep this macro up to date for you by swapping out DPS1 or TANK etc for the player names in your group. So unlike the raid macro, you never have to edit it yourself.


All you have to do is setup PMF_MACRO, PMF_MACRO_RAID and PMF_MACRO_MPLUS and the Weakaura will do the rest for you.

v11.2.0 has just been released to remove the need to tell the WA your keybind.

v11.1.0 has just been released to improve M+ mode.

v11.0.3 has just been released to add new options.

v11.0.2 has just been released to add new options.

v11.0.1 has just been released to make this Weakaura work for The War Within.

This weakaura creates a visual layout of 2-6 Prescience targets by reading a Prescience macro you create. This weakaura makes it easy to see your uptime on all 2-6 targets, and simplify your thought process for refreshing Prescience.

How to use

Follow the instructions above and make sure you have all 3 macros. After the initial setup you should only ever need to edit the "PMF_MACRO_MPLUS" and "PMF_MACRO_RAID".

Once you setup the "PMF_MACRO_MPLUS" one time, you should never need to edit it again. The Weakaura will make sure your targets are always up to date.

However for your raid targets you will need to update them whenever you want to focus on different players for the given boss fight.

In both macros, the point is that you can set up keyboard modifiers like shift, ctrl, alt, and nomod, in order to have easy ways to hotkey Prescience for different targets. You can use whatever modifiers you want in whatever order you want.

In the "PMF_MACRO_RAID" macro, I suggest that the first lines should be

/cast [help] Prescience
/cast [nogroup] Prescience

This will let your Prescience button still work when you're not in any groups.

Casting on other targets

If you happen to manually cast Prescience on a different target than your pinned quick targets, the weakaura will also show a small, temporary buff tracker for them.

Disclaimer / Known Issues

NOTE: If you're testing this weakaura, don't forget that you can't cast Prescience on members of the opposing faction when you're in a city or outdoors. I get a lot of DMs from people who think it's not working because of this.


Please message "zzzsteve" on Discord if you run into any issues with the Weakaura, or leave a comment here. If you message me on Discord, I can fix it faster and let you know when it's fixed.


自动更新于:2024-10-10 01:41:29
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