
Kaze MRT Timers (Retail+Classic)

2024-09-26 / 0 评论 / 0 点赞 / 164 阅读

Kaze's MRT/ERT Timers Notifications V3

!! Compatible with Viserio's healing assignment


I do not get any monatary gains for making this WeakAura. If you want to show appreciation for this WeakAura you can DM me on Discord @ kazeshinu or use the donation link. I usually answer all the questions i get on discord.

Donate Ko-Fi (KO-FI HAS NO FEES)

<pre> <code><span style="color:lime;background-color:crimson"> ONLY DONATE IF YOU HAVE DISPOSABLE INCOME!!!  </span></code></pre>

I have a full-time teacher job so this is made in my free time.

Table of Contents

  • Description
  • Requirements
  • How to Use
    • Easiest
    • Easy
    • Advanced
  • Custom Options
  • TTS Message
  • Keywords


This WeakAura serves as notifications for MRT timers. With customizations on when to show these notifications.


For full functionallity this WA requires the following Addons

How to use

This WeakAura reads the note from the Addon Method Raid Tools (MRT) and from there shows icons or text reminders


Use the note generated by Viserio's healing spreadsheet.


Timers are created in two parts in the note.

  1. Timer (Describes WHEN)
Example timer Result description
{time:75} Timer with 75 seconds
{time:1:10} Timer with 1 minute and 10 seconds
{time:01:15} Timer with 1 minute and 15 seconds
{time:02:30,p2} Timer 2 minutes and 30 seconds into phase 2 <br> NOTE: works only with BigWigs or DBM
{time:00:30,SCC:347704:2} Timer 30 seconds after the 2nd cast of Veil of Darkness
  1. Inputs This is just Text that helps you specify what the timer is for. The WeakAura has a set of Keywords that you can set that input to show or hide. The most common keyword is you character name (Kazeshinu). You can have multiple inputs per timer by seperating them by double spaces. An input could have an icon depending on the last occurance of {spell:######} others will be used inline as images. Also text in inputs before hyphens ( - ) are ignored so do not include your realm name (Kazeshinu-Ravencrest).

Now combine Timer and Inputs

Example Inputs Result description
{time:20}Kazeshinu Displays the text "Kazeshinu"
{time:20}Kazeshinu {spell:77764} Displays the icon Roar with the text "Kazeshinu"
{time:20,p2}Kazeshinu {spell:33891}  Kazeshinu {spell:740} (Double space) Displays 2 icons one with Treeform and one with Tranq both with the text "Kazeshinu"<br>20 seconds after phase 2 starts (Requires BigWigs or DBM)
{time:20}Kazeshinu {spell:33891} Kazeshinu {spell:740} (Single space) Displays 1 icons Tranq with the text "Kazeshinu Treeform Kazeshinu"
{time:20,SAR:348805:1}|cfffe7b09Kazeshinu|r {spell:77764} Displays icon for Roar with text "<span style="color:#fe7b09">Kazeshinu</span>"<br>20 seconds after first time the Aura 348805 Stygian Darkshield gets removed
{time:20}Use roar - |cfffe7b09Kazeshinu|r {spell:77761} Displays icon for Roar with text "<span style="color:#fe7b09">Kazeshinu</span>"<br>NOTE: The Use roar part is ignored as its before an hyphen ( - )
{time:20}|cff3fc7ebSadmage|r {spell:68252} This will NOT show the Iceblock icon for me as Sadmage is not part of my keywords
MRT Description
{time:ss} Just seconds
{time:mm:ss} Minutes and seconds
{time:mm.ss} Minutes and seconds seperated by dot
{time:mm:ss,condition} Conditions see next table
Condition Description
event:spellid:counter event = SCC | SCS | SAA | SAR<br>spellid = ### -- numeric id of spell<br>counter = ### -- at what occurance 0 for every
p# p2 -- Triggers at start of p2 (Requires BigWigs or DBM)
Event WOW Event type
Extra goodies

The following is things you can add to your inputs for extra functionallity

Extra Description
%target This in the input will be replaced by the target of the spell that triggered the timer
%caster This in the input will be replaced by the caster of the spell that triggered the timer
@PLAYERNAME Replace PLAYERNAME and that players raidframe will Glow while the WA is showing
{text}Text goes here{/text} The text inside is what will be used for the text
{ABCDEFG} text inside { } does not get displayed

Custom options

This WeakAura has a lot of custom options to modiefy how i works

Option Setting Description
Display Icon Spell Name Toggle Toggle to add spell name under the icon
Display Icon Text Toggle Toggle to have the text show up next to the icon
Warn Duration Numeric Time from when it will countdown
Delay Duration Numeric Time that specifies how long it will linger after 0
Disable WA When Selection Disables the WA depending on MRT settings
Enable Countdown 3,2,1 Toggle Toggle sound countdown<br>REQUIRES: SharedMedia_Causese
TTS When < Time Left Numeric Play the Text-To-Speech when the remaining time is less than selected value
Enable TTS Toggle Toggle to enable Text-To-Speech
TTS Message Text The text format Text-To-Speech shoud use<br>See below
Matching Keywords Text (comma seperated) List of words that are decides if the input should show<br>See below
Ignore Keywords Text (comma seperated) List of words seperated by comma that even if the note would show<br>contains any of the words is ignored<br>See below
Disable Shared Note Toggle Toggle to ignore shared note
Show ALL Shared Timers Toggle Toggle to ignore keyword requirements
Disable Personal Note Toggle Toggle to ignore personal note
Show All Private Timers Toggle Toggle to ignore keyword requirements

There is also the posiblilty to have different settings depending on spell id of the icon. (Text has spell id 0)

TTS Message

Any variable that is part of the WeakAura state is possible to send to the TTS Message by wrapping the name in { } there is also possibility to prioritise one after another. The default TTS message is {spellName:name} in {progress} If spellName is empty it will use the name instead

Here is a small example of the most commonly used replacements

Variable Description
{name} The input text
{spellName} The spell name of the icon
{spellId} The spell id of the icon
{unit} Name of player if @PLAYERNAME has been used
{target} Target name if %target has been used
{caster} Caster name if %caster has been used
{progress} The time when TTS message is shown


Keywords are comma seperated inputs that decide if the note should show or not There are some default keywords that uses dynamic text replacements Keywords are NOT case-sensitive

Here are the default keywords that will make the notification show for you

Keyword Description
{name} {name} is replaced by your character name e.g Kazeshinu
class:{class} {class} is replaced by your class e.g Druid/DeathKnight/Shaman/... ( NO SPACES FOR CLASS NAME)
group:{mygroup} {mygroup} is replaced by your group number e.g 1/2/3/...
spec:{spec} {spec} is replaced by your current spec Restoration/Frost/Restoration/Beast Mastery/...<br>(yes both druid spec and shaman spec has the same spec name)
role:{role} {role} is replaced by your current role DAMAGER/TANK/HEALER
everyone Just the standard text everyone
type:{type} {type} is replaced by Melee/Ranged depending on your character


The WA has support for some settings in the note. At this moment the only feature is name replacement. If you want to replace a characters name with another without changing the note. For example if your priest Anders decides to not heal and you want to replace him but not change the note you spent 2 days crafting. You can do that with the advanced settings functionallity

So start an advanced settings block you need to type kazestart in the note. Every line until kazeend is treated as "commands". Commands are something that decides on what happends and the arguments (args) are with what.

command1 arg1,arg2
command2 arg1,arg2,arg3
Current commands

This list can be expanded in the future if any idéas comes in or other features are needed.

Command arguments description
namereplace name1, name2 name1 gets replaced by name2
#nr name1, name2 shorthand for namereplace

自动更新于:2024-09-26 05:40:51
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