
Geos's Rogue All in 1

2024-11-21 / 0 评论 / 1 点赞 / 185 阅读
This weakaura based on Enkey's Rogue All in 1 and updated for BfA Origin weakaura https://wago.io/HyTFFBSV- For correct work need install textures pack https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/geos-textures-pack 21.11.2024 Update: rebuild all WA add new animations 20.11.2024 Update: Assassination: fix some glitches Subtlety: Outlaw: Update icons position 11.09.2019 Update: Assassination: Subtlety: Outlaw: All trigger convert to new aura trigger, fix Cloak Uptime texture 26.10.2018 Update: Assassination: Subtlety: Outlaw: Change Marked for Death 14.10.2018 Update: Assassination: fix timer for toxic blade fix timer position for elaborate planening and evenom Subtlety: fix timer position for find weakness and alacrity 08.10.2018 Update: Assassination: Subtlety: Outlaw: add:kick CD 29.09.2018 Update: Assassination: add: Crimson uptime 07.09.2018 Update: Subtlety: add: Marked for Death icon Assassination: add: Marked for Death icon Outlaw: add: Marked for Death icon 02.09.2018 Update: Outlaw: Fix: grappling hook icon 26.08.2018 Update: Outlaw: Fix: Display icon 24.08.2018 Update: Outlaw: Fix: Blade Flurry display Fix: Ghostly Strike debuff

自动更新于:2024-11-21 21:42:03
